Brass Pongal Pot big - Chandran Steels

Brass Pongal Pot, also known as “Urli” in some parts of India, is a traditional utensil used for cooking and serving Pongal, a popular South Indian dish made from rice, lentils, and spices. It is a large, round, and shallow pot made of brass metal, which gives it a unique aesthetic appeal and also enhances the taste of the dish cooked in it. The Brass Pongal Pot has been an integral part of South Indian culture for centuries and is considered an auspicious item in many households. It is often used during festivals and special occasions, particularly during the harvest festival of Pongal, which is celebrated in January every year. During this festival, the pot is filled with Pongal and decorated with flowers, turmeric, and other auspicious items before being offered to the Sun God as a symbol of gratitude and thanksgiving. The Brass Pongal Pot is known for its unique properties that make it ideal for cooking Pongal. Its broad and shallow design allows for an even distribution of heat, which is crucial for cooking rice and lentils to perfection. The brass metal used to make the pot is also believed to add a distinct flavor and aroma to the dish, which cannot be replicated by other utensils. To cook Pongal in a Brass Pongal Pot, the rice and lentils are first washed and soaked for a few hours. The pot is then heated on a stove, and ghee, cumin seeds, and other spices are added to it. The soaked rice and lentils are then added to the pot, along with water, and cooked until the mixture thickens and becomes creamy. The Pongal is then served hot, either as a sweet or savory dish, depending on the recipe used. The Brass Pongal Pot is not only used for cooking Pongal but also for various other purposes. It can be used as a decorative item, a flower vase, or even as a bird feeder. In some households, it is also used to store water or as a container for storing grains and other food items. In conclusion, the Brass Pongal Pot is a unique and versatile utensil that has been an integral part of South Indian culture for centuries. Its distinctive design, combined with the properties of brass metal, makes it ideal for cooking Pongal to perfection and adds a distinct flavor and aroma to the dish. It is also a symbol of tradition and heritage and is often passed down from generation to generation as a cherished family heirloom.

Weight1.520 kg


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Brass Pongal Pot Brass Pongal Pot big

Original price was: ₹2500.Current price is: ₹2340.

50 in stock
